Friday, July 11, 2008

The Lemon-O Method of P*tty Training

So, Queen B is mostly potty trained.

We've had a few "incidents" that resulted
in some items getting wet that I would have
preferred remain dry, but....whatcha gonna do??

It was just yesterday morning that I learned the
proper name of our current potty training method.

Here's how it happened:

Me: Do you have to p*tty?

QB: No

Me: Are you sure?

QB: Yes.

Me: Don't p*tty your pants. You've got big girl pants on.

QB: I will do Lemon-O.

Me: What??

QB: I will just do Lemon-O.

Me: What is Lemon-O?

QB: You say, " If you have to go p*tty, Lemon-O."

Me: (talking to self, really thinking about the words.... I say "Lemon-O" ??...
....what in the WORLD is Lemon-O... when do I say "Lemon-O" ???
.....hhhmmmm..... [STOP]

So.... have you figured it out, or shall I explain??


Say it fast.

"If you have to go p*tty, Lemon-O."

"If you have to go p*tty, LEMONO."

"If you have to go p*tty, LEMME NO."


"If you have to go p*tty, LET ME KNOW."

Brilliant plan, Queen B. Simply brilliant.
We should market this method.



Wednesday, July 9, 2008

In response to the masses who've asked....

Well, only one person asked.
And it's someone who loves me.

Yep, I'm at the lake.
Moto K is at camp, and Queen B is
having a grand time with her cousins.

I've been silent because the last thing
I could think of to post had to do with
Obama on the cover of Rolling Stone.

And it came out all weird when I tried to
post it.

So I just didn't.
And now you may or may not wonder what
I was going to say.
It just doesn't matter.
Let's talk later, when I'm not leaving for lunch, ok?
