Friday, May 29, 2009

Playing With Children Can Be Hazardous To Your Head!

It was a lovely day.
Moto K, Queen B, and I headed over to the park.

A quick game of catch, that's all it was.

Queen B played happily nearby.

My plan was to catch that ball in my mitt,
but it was not to be.

In case you're wondering,
there's an itty-bitty-bit
of a knot
on my forehead
still today.

That was 2 1/2 weeks ago.

It took a full 2 weeks for my gorgeous
black eyes to go away.

Isn't that special?

Now, get outside.

Play with your children.

Toss a ball around.

Wear a helmet.

Me? No, I'm fine here in the shade.

Really. Go on without me.

Does this frighten you?

It frightens me.

I'm just sayin'.