Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tattling on Sister Happiness, part II (Read part I first, DUH!)

So, anyway, like I was saying....

Sister Happiness had to slam on her brakes.
(You remember... it was because of that guy
who did a second yield for the purpose of
floral observation and she was none too happy
about that. Are you with me?)

With the slamming of the brakes, much to the
amazement and disappointedness of
Eggie and Meggie Happiness, who happen
to just be innocent bysitters in this unfortunate
situation, Sister Happiness yelled . . . .
" IDIOT !"
(I know, Mom and Dad, I know... I'm just as
disappointed as you are. But wait, it gets worse!)
So, yeah, about the amazement and disappointedness
of the little Happinesses... well, they told her that
IDIOT was a bad word.
But guess what she said. It wasn't good.
She said
"No, Mommy Happiness didn't say a bad word."
Then she said
"That guy's NAME is Mr. Idiot.
I was just calling him by his NAME, Mr. Idiot."
All I can say is, she might have gotten away with
it this time.... but I hope you have a talk with her.
If she keeps this up, we'll have to
change her name to Sister Blazingpants.
I don't want that, and I don't think you do either.
Please handle this right away! Do it for the children!

** H **
P.S. Some of the stuff in this story might have been
exaggerated, because I happen to have already
earned my badge for Moderate Exaggeration, so I'm
at liberty to do so. That's not at all like liaring.
It's so totally different you won't even recognize it.

Tattling on Sister Happiness, part I

To the parents:

I have something I have to tell you. And I'm only saying this
because I love you and I know you'd want to know what
bad things your daughter is doing. I love to break it to you,
but here it is:

Sister Happiness is saying bad words
in front of her kids
and then lying to them about it.

Here's the deal:

She, um, there was this guy who, um,
was in a car in front of her car...
and, um... well, he was yielding at the
YIELD sign .

And, um... Sister Happiness was behind him
yielding for him to be done so she could have
her turn to yield at the YIELD sign.

Well, that guy did yield but then decided to
proceed with caution out into the stream of

But then he yielded again because apparently ...
(unless Sister Happiness is liaring to me about it,
because I don't know if I can trust someone who
is liaring to their kids about bad words)...

so, um, where was I ?

Oh, yeah, so, ok, um... so that guy stopped
proceeding and was having another round
of yielding. Guess why.

It's because of according to Sister Happiness that
guy was deciding right there in mid-acceleration
that he would yield to look at ....FLOWERS, of all

Well, if you know Sister Happiness, you realize that
waiting for her very own turn to yield while the guy
in front of her does two yields for the purpose of
floral observation is not something she's going to tolerate well.

To be continued.......

Monday, April 28, 2008

Great idea to save money: Stay home! In theory, I love it!

I've linked the title of this post to one of my favorite
blogs to read, Money Saving Mom.

Two of my favorites, actually,


are both authored by Crystal Paine.

I love to read her helpful tips. I usually get my
shopping lists for CVS and Walgreens
from her site (some of which come from other sites....
us "frug-ies" like to share!).

Today Crystal posted about how staying home can
save you lots of money, help reduce clutter, help you
get things done, create time for you to do things you
enjoy, etc.

It was so much easier to stay home when
we lived in the middle of nowhere. But I really
should try to do it more. Crystal makes it sound like
so much fun.

Remember staying home? I think I do.
I'm glad Crystal reminded us.

Oh... and... not that anyone cares... but here's a recent
chain of events in my frugal life.

1) Someone named Crista posted on a homeschooling board
about Crystal Paine's e-book on grocery shopping savings being
discounted for that day only (back in January).

2) I checked it out... bought Crystal's e-book. Listened.
Got inspired.

3) Shopped like a madwoman, learned how to "do CVS"
and how to "do Walgreens", thus coming away with
a gigantic amount of product for not a gigantic amount of
dough! Woo hoo!

4) Got inspired some more.

5) Started reading Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover"
because Crystal was always talking about her financial
goals on Money Saving Mom.... I just had to know.

6) Got inspired some more.

7) Starting putting together a plan for the steps necessary
for us to become debt free. (It won't be a short trip.... but
at least we've begun now.)

So.... thanks, Crista... thanks Crystal...
thanks cashiers at CVS and Walgreens......
thanks God,
hello girls in the balcony,
and so on.

Love y'all.

** H **

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dude, have I been, like, majorly absent, or WHAT?!

I thought the last couple of weeks were no-brainers.
Until I met this week.

We lost a friend in an accident this week.
He wasn't someone we saw on a regular basis.
The loss isn't any less, though.
A friend, a son, a husband, a dad.... and so on.....
gone before we were ready.
We're never ready to lose someone, are we?

Sending love and prayers to Jim's family.

I had two teeth pulled on Thursday. Dr. Dentist assures me that
the bridge I'm getting will completely clear up any issues I had
in this area of my mouth, and my go-jillion other little fillings
that need to be done will happily wait until January '09...
when I have more insurance money to spend.
Splendid. Fabulous. I can hardly wait.

Moto K has classes with the homeschool group for 2 more Mondays.
I'm excited for that to be over for this year.
"School" isn't over, but Mondays will be less hectic.

Oh.. did I mention that Moto K started guitar lessons this past week?
According to both his mother and his instructor, there is suspicion
that the boy is a musical genius.

We ask that you don't repeat this little tidbit
until we've been given a proper amount of time to verify.
After all, it's just suspicion at this point.

But right now, it's Saturday. We're going to a birthday party today.
Queen B insists that there will be fireworks and races there.
And that we'll be sleeping in a hotel.

Apparently, she is confusing this little jaunt to H&H's house
with a trip to Indy for motocross races.
What goes ON in the mind of a 2 year old?!?! :>)

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Not like "this is a no-brainer"......

More like "she's a no-brainer". Meaning, "she possesses no brain".

For the past couple of weeks, I have been rendered completely
non-creative in my thinking.

I've not read, viewed, or participated in much that would
add to my comedic repertoire.

Unless you consider Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover funny.

Or the fact that I have oodles of coupons to sort and sales flyers to go through so I can get
back to saving some money. :>)

If I haven't sorted, I haven't shopped. So I haven't spent.
So money has been saved. Or so it would seem.

But just wait until there's nothing to wipe our bums with,
though, and I have to pay full price for our T.P. because I missed the sale
and let the coupons expire.
THAT, my friends, is when the paper hits the fan.

The best thing I heard today -

Queen B telling me she liked the "white car with yellow polka dots" that we had in Alabama last week. (We rented a white Mustang, and the pollen was SO bad all the cars looked like they were covered with yellow spray paint! .... BTW and FYI...... Mustangs are NOT family-friendly cars. Did I mention that?)

Oh, yeah.... Moto K sang my praises (because I forced him to, which kind of cheapened the experience) because I found $21 he'd been missing in the laundry. Guess where it was.

I just told you, dork. It was in the laundry.

Well, ok, maybe you're not a dork. But if you guessed that it was
in the bottom of the TV box we're using as a dirty clothes hamper downstairs,
you are right!
Your prize for guessing correctly is............

the satisfaction you feel for having guessed correctly!!

Now I'm going to bed. If I plan on slaying and hilariating again anytime soon,
I'm going to have to get some more rest. Or maybe I've had too much.
What to do, what to do, what to do...???


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gone South - Be Back Soon!

Visiting Sister Happiness in The South. Please don't worry.

LOL - As if you were thinking of worrying.... :>)

I'll be back soon.

Moto K talked me into upgrading the car rental to a Mustang, not realizing
a) due to his age, he's still stuck in the back seat
b) even if he COULD sit up front, he'd be too short to see out the windows.
(Well, there goes a whole bunch of cool, right Moto K?)

Queen B has her own set of names for the people who live here:

She can say the given name of Sister Happiness with no trouble.
But she prefers to call her cousins Eggie and Meggie, and refers to
the husband of Sister Happiness as "Your Friend".


Having a nice relaxing time. Hope you are, too.

** H **

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Who knew there was a Mr. Correct-All ? We're NOT married!

From a story on ABCNEWS (link above):

"Some of the littlest things are big to Jeff Deck,
who is traveling the country in search of mistakes. "

I know, I know, it's a freakish thing to want to go around
correcting the world.

It seems Jeff Deck and I are like-minded,
but I don't have time to actually go and correct
all publicly-displayed typographical errors.

Myself, I just have to let it go. But I'm proud
of Jeff, sort of. And I'm sort of wondering
if he doesn't really have some better things
to do.

I mean, in spite of my love of correct spelling
and my loathing of apostrophe abuse,
there are more important things in life.

If you decide to watch the video clip of this story,
please note that Jeff says near the end
that it isn't his goal to make people feel dumb.

This is what I've been trying to explain
to Mr. Amazing and others for years.

Our hearts and minds are seeking correctness,
aren't they, Jeff?

It's not our desire to see
someone feeling bad about having
"done it wrong".

We just want others to know the joy that
is ours when we see things done correctly.

But I have some sad news for you, Jeff.
They don't care. At least that's what I've
always been told.

They don't want to know when
they're wrong.

But thanks for trying, Jeff.
You're so lucky.....
you got to make a vacation of it, while
I sit here in ugly pajamas, unable to do
a single thing about the sign in my
neighbors' yard that reads:


Daily I wait, asking myself,
"What do the Jacksons own?"
"What redeeming noun will they place at the end of that sign?"

Some folks' have all the luck, Jeff....

{Please tell me you see the error in the above sentence. Please tell me you do.
I tried to just throw it out there and not address it. But I can't have you thinking
I'm an apostrophe abuser. I just can't.}

Disclaimer: In order to protect the "Jackson" family,
their name has been changed here. :>)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

F. Y. I. - is a friend of mine

I just wanted you to know that though I do possess
a decent level of skills where usage of the English
language is concerned, I'm about to make
a HUGE admission.

I don't know everything.

There. It's been said. But let's not dwell on it, ok?

(By the way, Mr. Amazing has dubbed me "Correct-All" ,
not to be confused with "Correctal", the laxative
...or... maybe that's what he means.
Hmmm... gonna have to ask about that one! )

That's all for now.
I just felt like I needed to confess,
because I had to look up "haranguing" before I could
commit to putting it over there to the left of the page.

See it? You should read that, and then click the
"subscribe to" link. Go ahead. It won't hurt a bit.

Then, if I suddenly get funny in the middle
of the night, you'll know first thing in the morning.

Isn't that convenient?
The things I do for you. Sheeesh!

** H **
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
ha·rangue (hə-rāng') Pronunciation Key n.
A long pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering.
A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade.
v. ha·rangued, ha·rangu·ing, ha·rangues v. intr. To deliver a harangue.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How I Feel About Coupons - Poetry


I've been keeping my coupon poetry hidden from the non-couponing world.

But over at Hot Coupon World, I've been cuttin' loose. (No cou-pun intended!)

I think maybe you're ready for a sampling.

Brace yourself, Effie.

There once was a girl
from Nantucket
who kept her coupons
in a bucket.
When she went to pay
the cashier would say
did you CUT that coupon,
or PLUCK it?
I should mention somewhere in here that I am WELL aware these are not actually that funny. I know, I know... but this is so entertaining for me. Can we keep going, just for a minute???

A girl once longed
for a coupon
to buy a jar
of Gray Poupon.
But to her dismay,
her husband did say:
"Forget mustard -
put the soup on!"

I found a coupon
in Nantucket
at the bottom of a
fish bait bucket.
It was for Colgate
that was free after rebate.
So it's not like I
could just chuck it.


Have you'ns seent these here 2 PullUpian thieves?

We'z offerin' a REward

in the amount of 24 cents,

which is the cost-

after coupons... of course,

of the 2 now-missing PullUp garments.

These thieves are believed to be unarmed

and may only be partially clothed.

Furthermore, they might be hungry, so

please be cautious.

Food Allergy & Intolerance Survival Guide, Free T-shirt, and so on...

Ok, I haven't had a chance to do a whole lot of looking around on "A Momma and the Boys...." site YET, but I wanted to let you know about a couple of cool freebies I found on her site.

Look around for yourself to see what might interest you.

I signed up for the free t-shirt from .

Free t-shirt from

I have no idea what the t-shirt will say. I'm guessing it will say ohshot
but what do I know? :>)

I also am signing up for the allergy thingy from Enjoy Life Foods.
- Request Form for Food Allergy and Intolerance Survival Guide

Thanks, "Momma"
EBATES, baby!
Thanks, friends!!!!

(If you're sick of hearing about it, skip this post!)

Someone was kind enough to share the info with me.
Now it's my duty to share, dontcha know...

If you've been getting rebates all this time
and never thought to let me in on your little secret.... shame on you!!

Just a month and a half ago someone I didn't even know
went to the trouble of explaining how if I signed up for EBATES
and used her email address for referral,
then ordered at least $5 worth of something, we'd both get $10.

(Her suggestion was Old Navy... with the $5 shipping...
spend just over $5.... total just over $10...
and by May my item would be almost free.
I didn't go that route, but WHAT I purchased isn't the point here.)

Thanks to EBATES' double bonus offer that ended yesterday,
I have about $130 coming!
And several of my friends have at least $10 coming back to them!
The girl who referred me has $10 coming back to her.....
isn't this FUN?!?! :>)

My account total right now is $96.85.
And $30 in bonus Target gift cards.

Admittedly, I wouldn't have this much in my account if others hadn't signed up.

From my purchases: an Entertainment book for our area, a phone card, a pair of jeans, printer ink, a rental car when I go to Alabama, etc.... I've earned $11.

From referrals and referral bonuses,
I've "earned" about $120. In a month. From two emails.

I'm fairly certain EBATES will offer the double bonus again in the future.

But if you just gotta get started now,
email me or post a comment here
and I'll give you the email address I use for EBATES referrals.
(It's not the "gonnacallit" address.)

For those who have already joined EBATES,
whether long ago or just this month,
I'd LOVE IT if you'd post your experiences here!
Inspire us!

*When did you join?

*What are your favorite stores to shop through EBATES?

* Brag about your rebates!

* How many people have YOU told about EBATES??

Thanks for humoring me, everyone.
I have to go try and think of something funny to say now.

Love ya -
** H **