Friday, May 29, 2009

Playing With Children Can Be Hazardous To Your Head!

It was a lovely day.
Moto K, Queen B, and I headed over to the park.

A quick game of catch, that's all it was.

Queen B played happily nearby.

My plan was to catch that ball in my mitt,
but it was not to be.

In case you're wondering,
there's an itty-bitty-bit
of a knot
on my forehead
still today.

That was 2 1/2 weeks ago.

It took a full 2 weeks for my gorgeous
black eyes to go away.

Isn't that special?

Now, get outside.

Play with your children.

Toss a ball around.

Wear a helmet.

Me? No, I'm fine here in the shade.

Really. Go on without me.


Wendy said...

how do you do?

how do you get me rotflmbo in less than 10 sec flat?

I'm sooo sorry about the bump...ick!! I recently decided to try and jump curbs w/ my bike....

anyway, leave it at try LOL

that statue or photo?! EEEK! rotflmbo scary and hilarious! I feel that way w/ parenting sometimes tho! hiding

hot dog vomit....oh dear!!!

Love ya girly!

Hope you'll come swimming sometime soon!!!!!!!!!!!! You're so valued!!

Hope your 29th b'day will be GREAT, Love ya! miss ya!

** H ** said...

Wendy -

I love that you said something about my 29th birthday - since I'm 38. I'm sure you were talking to two Heathers at once. It happens.
:>) But for a second, I felt 28!